

Forever Boy - North American Tour

Hello magic!

We are on the road and currently enjoying the heat in Florida but we had to share something beautiful with you that just arrived!
A new video, or should we rather say movie for Forever Boy
It was shot in the Comacchio valleys, at the mouth of the River Po, one of Italy's most extraordinary landscapes, we were there with our gang, knocking out a wonderful day, living life. Most of all it shows a dream, the dream of Giovanni Collina, a 70 year old italian biker racer who use to compete in the 60's for Moto Morini's team. Mr Collina has stayed the same all these years. He's there always riding his bike to this day. It was directed and filmed by Opificio Ciclope.

 or check out premiere over at one of our favorite blogs Yvinyl,Rolling Stone Magazine and

Download Forever Boy (mp3)

Our longest TOUR ever that will bring us all over North America has just started. We're happy to be on the road with some of our fav bands, most dates are with Cloud Nothings, and another part is with the mighty Ganglians. Check out the shows over on the left.

Come down and say hi, spread the word and be safe.
See you around!
ace gang